Why Pope Benedict Will be Forced to Resign:  The Membership Will Hold the Clergy Responsible

After centuries of torture, genocide and even siding with Nazi Germany, why would the abuse scandal result in the Catholic Church forcing Pope Benedict XVI to step down? Why weren’t other more heinous acts punished?

This time, there is going to be hell to pay.

It isn’t that the Vatican finds priests raping children to be particularly troublesome, or violating the sanctity of the confessional to be worthy of punishment, even breaking the law isn’t of much concern. It will be something more fundamental that will bring down the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.


You will notice that the Pope will be talking more and more about how “the Church” should do penance, or how “we” need to apologize. What Benedict is trying to do is to foist the blame from himself, and/or the Vatican on to the membership at large. Most members find the comparison of the Pope to holocaust victims and Jesus on the cross to be particularly offensive.  Read Article

By Sancho E. Jones

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